A word from our new president-elect: Madhu Krishnamurthy

June 16, 2020 Madhu Krishnamurthy 0

I am humbled and honored to be selected to lead the Chicago Headline Club during its 100th anniversary year. Journalists are truthseekers, the last bastion of free speech upholding the basic fundamental values of a democratic society, tasked with keeping elected public officials in check and holding governments accountable. We […]

FOIAFest 2020: Inspiration, lessons and resources

February 24, 2020 admin 0

Whether you were able to join us in Chicago or are just looking for some investigative inspiration, here’s a collection of our favorite lessons learned and resources shared so far at this year’s conference. Something missing? Tweet yours it to us @headlineclub. QUOTES We heard a lot of inspiring things at FOIAFest […]

FOIAFest 2020: Update info and Schedule

January 16, 2020 Robert Elder 0

FOIAFest 2020 is here! Click on the full schedule here. We sell out every year, and this year was no exception. This daylong conference is dedicated to public information and features panels and workshops with leading journalists, attorneys and community groups. From beginners to veterans of the Freedom of Information […]

Looking to innovate in the newsroom? Here are 10 tips to get started

July 31, 2019 Mike Ewing 0

An expert panel of editors weighed in on coming up with innovative ideas, getting buy-in from the bosses and turning those ideas into real work in the newsroom at an event co-hosted by the Headline Club and ONA Chicago. Here are some highlights from the panel: Serve your Superfans Kevin Pang, Founder and Editor-in-chief, The […]

Resources and key takeaways from FOIAFest 2019

February 23, 2019 admin 0

Here are some lessons learned from panels, and links to resources shared at FOIAFest 2019. We also collected key takeaways posted to Twitter in this collection of curated tweets. Resources FOIA101: tips on getting started (PowerPoint) iFOIA.org – Submit and track FOIAs online Data and Databases – Slides and notes Tips on getting information […]