We are currently updating these listings – if you find any errors, please contact us
County Assessor
FOIA Officers: Carol Saunders, Therese Reeves, Don Johnson, Ginger Shaffer
Email: AssessmentsFOIA@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4290
Fax: 815.338.8522
Mail: Assessments, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Auditor
FOIA Officers: Pam Palmer & Luann Kanaly
Pamela Palmer
Phone: 815-334-4204 / Fax: 815-334-4621
Email: Auditor@co.mchenry.il.us
Luann Kanaly
Phone: 815-334-4208 / Fax: 815-334-4621
Email: Auditor@co.mchenry.il.us
Mail: County Auditor, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Administration
FOIA Officers: John Labaj & Ralph Sarbaugh
John Labaj
Phone: 815-356-8952 / Fax:815-334-4629
Email: CountyAdmin@co.mchenry.il.us
Ralph Sarbaugh
Phone: 815-334-4205 / Fax: 815-338-3991
Email: CountyAdmin@co.mchenry.il.us
Mail: County Administration, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Board (Includes Liquor Commission)
FOIA Officers: John Labaj & Ralph Sarbaugh
John Labaj
Phone: 815-356-8952 / Fax:815-334-4629
Email: CountyAdmin@co.mchenry.il.us
Ralph Sarbaugh
Phone: 815-334-4205 / Fax: 815-338-3991
Email: CountyAdmin@co.mchenry.il.us
Mail: County Board, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Clerk
FOIA Officers: Katherine Schultz, Linda Fitzgerald & Vern Paddock
Email: CountyClerkFOIA@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4242 Fax: 815.334.8727
Mail: County Clerk, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Coroner
FOIA Officers: Marlene Lantz, Debora Ann E. Sosnowski & Robert Locke
Email: CoronerFOIRequest@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.338.9392 OR 815.338.2144 Fax: 815.338.1405
Mail: County Coroner, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
County Recorder
FOIA Officers: Nancy Walkington, Kris Beach, & Jan Zidek
Email: PKWalters@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4110
Fax: 815.338.9612
Mail: County Recorder, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Division of Transportation
FOIA Officers: Jeff Young, Wally Dittrich, Mark Dammyer & Mark DeVries
Email: mcdot@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4960 Fax: 815.334.4989
Mail: McHenry County D.O.T., 16111 Nelson Rd., Woodstock IL 60098
E911 Board
FOIA Officers: Tiki Carlson & Jill Garza
Email: MCETSB@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.337.7911 Fax: 815.337.9911
Mail: E911 Board, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Emergency Management Agency
FOIA Officers: David Christensen, Robert Ellsworth & Robin Gibbs
Email: EMA@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.338.6400 Fax: 815.334.4633
Mail: Emergency Management Agency, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Facilities Management
FOIA Officers: John Hadley & Joan Bunch
Email: Facilities@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4155 Fax: 815.334.4623
Mail: Facilities Management, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
FOIA Officers: Nicole Gattuso, Amanda Foley & Edward Amoo
Email: GIS@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815/334-4496 / Fax: 815/334-4652
Mail: GIS, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Health Department (Includes Animal Control and Tuberculosis Board)
FOIA Officers: Patrick McNulty
Email: health@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4510 Fax: 815.334.4635
Mail: McHenry County Department of Health, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL
Human Resources
FOIA Officers: Bob Ivetic & Holly Eddy
Email: HRFOIA@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4220 Fax: 815.334.4648
Mail: Human Resources, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Information Technology
FOIA Officers: Tom Sullivan & Paul Lerner
Email: InfoTechFOIA@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4138 Fax: 815.334.4650
Mail: I.T. Department, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Mental Health
FOIA Officers: Sandy Lewis, Bob Lesser, Cathy Garrey & Liz Doyle
Email: cgarrey@mc708.org, ldoyle@mc708.org, dlahti@mc708.org
Phone: 815.455.2828 Fax: 815-455-2925
Mail: McHenry County Mental Health, 620 Dakota St., Crystal Lake IL 60012
Planning and Development (Includes Water Resources)
FOIA Officers: Dennis Sandquist, Matthew Hansel, Cory Horton & Darrell Moore
Email: plandev@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4560 Fax: 815.337.3720
Mail: Planning and Development, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Public Defender
FOIA Officers: Mark Cook
Phone: 815.334.4170
Mail: Public Defender, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
FOIA Officers: Cathy Link & Amy Burke
Email: purchasing@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4818 Fax: 815.334.4680
Mail: Purchasing, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Regional Supt of Schools
FOIA Officers: Leslie Schermerhorn & Barbara Murray
Phone: 815.334.4475 Fax: 815.338.0475
Mail: Regional Supt. of Schools, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
FOIA Officers: Duane Cedergren, Jan Weech & Carolyn Hubbard
Phone: 815.338.2144 Fax: 815.338.9285
Mail: Sheriff, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
State’s Attorney
FOIA Officers: Jana Blake
Email: SAOFOIARequest@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4159
Mail: State’s Attorney Office, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
FOIA Officers: William LeFew & Glenda Miller
Email: WWLeFew@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4260
Mail: Treasurer, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Valley Hi Nursing & Rehabilitation
FOIA Officers: Thomas Annarella & Tammy Schultz
Email: valleyhi@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.338.0312 Fax: 815.338.0458
Mail: Valley Hi, 2406 Hartland Rd., Woodstock IL 60098
Veterans Assistance Commission
FOIA Officers: Mike Iwanicki & Jane Dorfner
Email: veterans@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.334.4229 Fax: 815.334.4678
Mail: Veteran’s Assistance, 2200 N. Seminary Ave., Woodstock IL 60098
Workforce Investment Board
FOIA Officers: Jeffrey Poynter
Email: info@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.338.7100 extension: 218 or 213 Fax: 815.338.7125
Mail: Workforce Investment Board, 500 Russel Ct., Woodstock IL 60098
Workforce Network
FOIA Officers: Julie Courtney & Peggy Sarbaugh-McNally
Email: workforce@co.mchenry.il.us
Phone: 815.338.7100 extension: 218 or 213 Fax: 815.338.7125
Mail: Workforce Network, 500 Russel Ct., Woodstock IL 60098