Headline Club board meetings take place monthly at Bloomberg’s Chicago bureau.
Deloitte Building
49th Floor
111 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL?
- You must be a Chicago Headline Club chapter member in good standing.
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From Board Meetings |
Please send us your name to headline.submit@gmail.com at least two days prior to the scheduled meeting.
We will send you further instructions on how to attend the meeting once we have approved your request.
Below is our upcoming agenda:
Chicago Headline Club
Board Meeting
9 a.m. Friday, April 9, 2010
Bloomberg Chicago Bureau
1. Welcome and approval of minutes: Beth Konrad, president, and Hilary Fosdal, secretary
2. Introduction of guest: Beth Konrad
* McCormick Foundation’s ideas around a Chicago journalism access assessment – Mark Hallett, senior journalism program officer for the foundation, will make a brief presentation
3. Brief recap of SPJ regional conference: Beth Konrad
4. Board nominees and vacancies: Beth Konrad and Sue Stevens, VP/FOI and president-elect
* Accept Wes Bleed’s resignation
* Michael Reilley, online journalism instructor/SPJ DePaul University chapter advisor and editor of SPJ’s Toolbox
* Aimee DeBat, public relations professional and University of Missouri grad
5. Slate of officers and board members for 2010-2012: Beth Konrad and Sue Stevens
6. Treasurer’s report: Howard Dubin, treasurer
7. Lisagor update: Beth Konrad and Kathy Catrambone, executive director
* Dinner attendance
* Board representation and obligations
* Lifetime Achievement awardees
* Memorials
* Publicity needs
* Watchdog Award
8. FOI report: Susan S. Stevens
9. New business
10. Adjournment
NOTE: Date for next 2010 board meeting at 9 a.m. Bloomberg Chicago bureau
Friday, May 7