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Reporting Tip Sheet

December 30, 2019 admin 0

Reporting tip sheet: iMediaEthics offers a roundup of guidance in 2019 from media organizations on standards and reporting. The Guardian issued climate reporting advice and The Orlando Sentinel updated its social media guidelines.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Ethics Codes Overhaul

December 31, 2019 admin 0

Ethics codes overhaul: Bill Grueskin writes that the digital age needs a new code of ethics. 2020 “ought to be the year that our ethics codes get an overhaul, as journalists face relentless business pressures, relinquish even more control over how our content is distributed and framed and deal with […]

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Noteworthy 2019 Findings

December 23, 2019 admin 0

Noteworthy 2019 findings: Hispanics are projected to be the largest racial or ethnic minority in the 2020 electorate, says the Pew Research Center, reporting 19 striking findings of 2019.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Vulture Capitalism In 2020

December 24, 2019 admin 0

Vulture capitalism in 2020: Ken Doctor says the 25 percent stake Alden Global Capital got in Tribune Publishing is the latest wakeup call. “The old world is over, and the new one — one of ghost newspapers, news deserts and under informed communities — is headed straight for us.”   […]

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Revenge Porn And Privacy

December 27, 2019 admin 0

Revenge porn and privacy: Deanna Paul writes the U.S. Supreme Court might decide on the difference between free speech and invasion of privacy in an Illinois revenge porn case.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Columnist Scolded

December 19, 2019 admin 0

Columnist scolded: The Colorado Springs Independent editorial board says a local columnist violated journalism ethics by lecturing the city council.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Moving And Inspiring Journalism

December 20, 2019 admin 0

Moving and inspiring journalism: Columbia Journalism Review offers 20 best of the decade stories that “have risen above the noise, and even suggested a path forward….”   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Shaky Anonymous Sources

December 18, 2019 admin 0

Shaky anonymous sources: Journalists in the cyber age should shun discredited past practices like anonymous sources and off-the-record backgrounders, which damage public trust. From the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists archives.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Algorithm Values

December 17, 2019 admin 0

Algorithm values: There’s a chance to reclaim news distribution from technology companies, and ensure that commercial and public interest values are better balanced, writes Nicholas Diakopoulos. “Journalistic news feeds are an opportunity for news organizations to take back control over distribution by writing algorithms with more traditionally recognizable editorial, ethical […]

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Hate Crimes Collaboration

December 16, 2019 admin 0

Hate crimes collaboration: ProPublica’s three-year project involving hundreds of newsrooms published over 230 stories, writes Rachel Glickhouse. “Our approach included asking people to tell us their stories of experiences or witnessing hate crimes and bias incidents.”   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.