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Truth About Kathy Scruggs

December 13, 2019 admin 0

Truth about Kathy Scruggs: Hagit Limor writes that the “Richard Jewell” movie portrayal of a deceased reporter is “so skewed it would define libel if this was a piece of journalism instead of a piece of fiction created in Hollywood.” Besmirching a hard-working reporter.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine […]

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Naming Shooters

December 13, 2019 admin 0

Naming shooters: Many media minimized naming the culprit in the Santa Clarita, Ca. school shooting, writes Natalie Yahr. A shift. “In response to research suggesting that extensive coverage of these assailants may encourage others to follow suit, many outlets have chosen to devote less coverage to perpetrators and more to […]

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An Ethics Conundrum

December 11, 2019 admin 0

What did Pope Francis mean when he appeared to criticize President Trump for building walls, not bridges in 2016? A misinterpretation or misrepresentation? From the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists archives.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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December 6, 2019 admin 0

  Fact-checking:  “A perfectly checked article, after all, can still be fundamentally wrong about its assumptions or conclusions,” writes Colin Dickey. Being fastidious about little things can lead to reader trust, but facts can be more work than they are worth.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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The Power Of Rumors

December 9, 2019 admin 0

The power of rumors: “A tool available to all, rumors can act as antidotes to institutional violence, propaganda campaigns or political misconduct,” writes Larissa Pham. “Press conferences are for the powerful; rumors are for ordinary people trying to take down people in power.” They can warn; they can protect.   […]

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Philanthropy For Local News

December 10, 2019 admin 0

Philanthropy for local news: The American Journalism Project aims to fill holes in media coverage with $46 million in venture philanthropy, writes Christine Schmidt. Covering government, environment, education, social and criminal justice and public health seen as a public service.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Counting “Uniques” At Newsweek

December 2, 2019 admin 0

Counting “uniques” at Newsweek: “Newsweek’s ownership has a history of finding unethical ways to avoid paying salaries,” writes Daniel Tovrov. Financial problems are acutely felt in New York.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Hugging Political Candidates

December 3, 2019 admin 0

Hugging political candidates: Critics say MSNBC TV host Rachel Maddow crossed a line when she hugged Sanders and Clinton in 2016. From the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists archives.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Intuitive Editor Dies

December 4, 2019 admin 0

Intuitive editor dies: Edward J. Doherty lauded as the Globe managing editor who understood readers. “Journalism by permission won’t work,” he said, a concise observation that remains relevant today, writes Bryan Marquard.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Environmental Protection Sought

November 27, 2019 admin 0

Environmental protection sought: A new Pew Research Center report finds a majority of Americans want more government protection for environment and climate, write Cary Funk and Meg Hefferon. Findings come as Trump administration moves to withdraw from 2016 Paris Climate Accord and weaken environmental protection rules.   Visit the […]