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Teens Make Climate News

May 1, 2019 admin 0

Teens make climate news: More than half of surveyed teens said they learned nothing from newspapers about climate change, writes Abby Rabinowitz. Many depend on the internet. Teen activists use social media to write climate news to “make headlines and framing their message,” she writes. Teens also were a force […]

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90 Days, 90 Voices

April 30, 2019 admin 0

90 Days, 90 Voices is a nonprofit news outlet aiming to transform immigration reporting by telling better and more ethical stories. It guidelines call for asking a source how to tell their story, protecting their identity and creating a safe space for the interview.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine […]

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Historian Explains Journalism

April 29, 2019 admin 0

Historian explains journalism: Ron Chernow gives White House correspondents a history lesson, writes Michael M. Grynbaum, on why journalism is important. “Freedom of the press is always a timely subject and this seems like the perfect moment to go back to basics,” Chernow wrote in a statement. Chernow avoided offensive […]

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Ethical Media Election Coverage

April 24, 2019 admin 0

Ethical media election coverage: “The ethics question at the heart of election coverage is this: What approaches best serve the public interest?” writes Isaac Alter. Covering it like a horse race trivializes elections, he says. Write about the candidates themselves; don’t overplay opinion polls.     Visit the Ethics […]

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Ethics of Purging Archives

April 25, 2019 admin 0

Ethics of purging archives: An editor once asked the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists if there are any ethical requirements to honor requests to delete stories. An AdviceLine ethicist decided a newspaper should not help people remove information from the historical record. And it’s expensive to do that.   Visit […]

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Collaboration Journalism

April 26, 2019 admin 0

Collaboration journalism: Local media in the U.K., Italy and Finland turn to teamwork to confront declining revenues and shrinking staffs, writes Christine Schmidt. It’s “true-blue teamwork using the skills, abilities, tech, and yeah, money pooled between entities to ideally do journalism with a much more powerful punch,” she writes.   […]

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Media Climate Coverage Deemed Lacking

April 23, 2019 admin 0

Media climate coverage deemed lacking: Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope charge media with ignoring it. “This journalistic failure has given rise to a calamitous public ignorance, which in turn has enabled politicians and corporations to avoid action,” they write. They call for “Paul Revere” responsibilities to awaken, inform and rouse […]

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Wall Street Journal Tames Online Commentary

April 22, 2019 admin 0

Wall Street Journal tames online commentary: Select articles will be open for audience posts, writes Louise Story, to encourage “thoughtful discourse.” Aims to focus on “original comments,” not on boisterous “repliers” who don’t read the articles.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Key Demographic Trends

April 16, 2019 admin 0

Key demographic trends: Hispanics are expected to be the largest racial or ethnic minority in the next election, write Anthony Cilluffo and D’Vera Cohn, according to the Pew Research Center. This was one of six demographic trends that included findings on American adult generations, unmarried parents, immigration and household income. […]

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Tips For Resisting Fake News

April 17, 2019 admin 0

Tips for resisting fake news: “The way our memory works means it might be impossible to resist fake news completely,” writes Julian Matthews. Think like a scientist: Ask what type of content it is, where it is published and who benefits.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.