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Lawyer Seeks Advice

September 2, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Journalists typically call the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists seeking advice about knotty ethics issues. But not all callers are professional journalists. A lawyer called AdviceLine with a question that sometimes puzzles reporters, too: Does a journalist have a duty to inform […]

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Racism Riles Newsroom

August 16, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists A reporter/columnist for a North Carolina newspaper gave a speech to members of the League of the South, telling them how to get their white supremacy message out through media. This touched off some friction in the newsroom, causing a staff […]

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American Indian Ethics

August 8, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Showing respect is a basic law of life, says a Native American traditional code of ethics. This might sound soothing to Americans watching the hyper-polarization and mean-spirited castigations rampaging across the nation these days over politics, abortion, war and inflation. American […]

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Politicians Driving Drunk

June 30, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists A team of reporters with a Minnesota newspaper wonder if it would be unfair to report that three candidates for public office were convicted for driving while under the influence and driving while intoxicated. Two candidates are running for county attorney […]

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Leaked Abortion Decision

June 24, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. The Supreme court verdict to overturn Roe vs. Wade, the landmark ruling establishing a constitutional right to abortion, came almost two months after a leaked draft of the decision was first reported by Politico. The leak seemed as historic as the […]

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Photos of Dead Children

June 17, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists One of the leading journalism ethics issues to emerge from the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting is whether to show photos of the bullet-torn bodies of children. It’s an old question, but gaining in fervor as mass shootings with assault rifles and […]

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Mass Shootings

May 28, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists It’s called “the Texas massacre,” the Uvalde, Texas, school shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead. The 18-year old gunman was killed by police. That came 10 days after another 18-year-old shot 10 African Americans at a supermarket in […]

NYT Editors’ Regrets

May 21, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Regrets, they’ve had a few. They occupy the highest rungs of journalism leadership, the executive editors of the New York Times. The newspaper’s footprint on American journalism is so big, changes in its leadership is news. As when the Times announced […]

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Troubling News Source

May 13, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists The Minnesota reporter said she had a “strange and not-disclosable” relationship with a news source, but it was not sexual, not even a friendship. The source, an elected official, gives the reporter insights into stories on the county beat, but the […]

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Roe vs. Wade Leak

May 5, 2022 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. A soothsayer warned Julius Caesar to beware the ides of March, sometime around 44 BC. Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to newspapers in 1971, revealing that the Johnson administration had systematically lied about the United States’ political and military involvement […]