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Crime Coverage Guidelines

December 17, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists As crime soars across the United States, the Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) issues new newsroom guidelines for covering crime, with four key areas of consideration. Not only rising gun violence, but a wave of “smash and grab” store invasions […]

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A Hate Group Chat

December 10, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists A staff writer for a southern arts and entertainment magazine learns that the publication’s columnist spoke to a racist hate group on how to get their message out through media. Fearing this violates ethical standards, the staff writer brings her concerns […]

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Cuomo Conflicts

December 2, 2021 admin 0

By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Andrew and Chris Cuomo image If Chris Cuomo considers himself a journalist, he forgot who he’s working for. Journalists work for the public interest, not for conflict of interest favors for his brother, Andrew, the former governor of New York who left […]

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Violent Stalker

November 22, 2021 admin 0

journalism ethics image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. The editor-in-chief of an Oregon campus newspaper contacts the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists asking if he should publish a story about a female student being “violently stalked” by her ex-boyfriend. The stalker did not physically harm the student, but […]

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Sparing the Victim

November 4, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Ethical journalism involves more than what you report; it’s also about what you decide to leave out. The Loudoun Times-Mirror set a good example of that by deciding against naming the parents of a high school sexual assault victim, and refusing […]

TV They-Speak

October 14, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalist ABC7 Chicago television, they are inventing a new way to speak or mangling the English language. Listen to the announcers on WLS-TV, a subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company. They include the word “they” in the oddest places. A sports announcer […]

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Double Dipping?

October 8, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists The caller asked the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists if it is ethical for a freelance reporter to report the local town news, covering the town council and government meetings, while at the same time being paid to write the mayor’s column. […]

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Covid and Media

October 1, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists At a time the Covid-19 death toll tops the fatalities in the 1918-19 influenza pandemic, the nation’s news media workforce is something like 40 percent diminished from a generation ago. This is something for scholars and medical historians to chew on. […]

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Indigenous Invisibility

September 24, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. Chicago has an American Indian population of 13,337. Roughly half of them are female and half are male, and the median age of both sexes is 30. Of 4,240 American Indian homes, 2,769 are led by families. The population of those […]

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Musician or Journalist?

September 10, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro The violinist for a major orchestra is arrested for having child porn in his house and on his computer. A professional musician who also does radio reports on the arts beat wants to know if she is obligated to do a report on the porn […]