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Sneak Journalism

February 24, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Journalists sometimes go undercover in search of information, or consider doing so in the public interest. Journalists call the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists asking about the wisdom of this practice. Here are some of those cases: A Colorado broadcaster asked if […]

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Mug Shot Fairness

February 17, 2021 admin 0 image   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists In a history spanning centuries of reporting the news, newspapers have never been good at forgetting or looking away. But now they are beginning to learn how to do that for humanitarian reasons, or to curtail their interest in past […]

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Two Views of Objectivity

February 10, 2021 admin 0

    By Hugh Miller and Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Think of objectivity as a philosopher, by definition a person engaged in the study of reality. Now think of objectivity as a journalist concerned with ethics, the search for right or good conduct. This article will travel down […]

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Watch What You Tweet

February 3, 2021 admin 0

By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists To tweet or not to tweet, that seems to be the question involving Lauren Wolfe, dismissed by the New York Times for reasons not totally explained. At first, it looked like Wolfe was fired for tweeting she had “chills” watching President-elect Joe Biden’s […]

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Erasing News Archives

January 26, 2021 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro and Hugh Miller Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists The searing images and reports of the January 6 terrorist mass attack on the nation’s Capital caused a long-simmering debate to resurface over preserving or expunging printed and visual information about people that could be damaging or embarrassing […]

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Pandemic Top Word of 2020

December 30, 2020 admin 0 By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists In just 34 days, “COVID-19” went from being newly minted to a term listed online by the Merriam-Webster dictionary. That was record time, Peter Sokolowski, Merriam-Webster’s editor at large, told the Associated Press. “That’s the shortest period of time we’ve ever seen […]

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2021 Predictions and Day Dreams

December 23, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists This is the time of year for predictions, wishful thinking and delusional forecasts for the coming year, 2021. The 2020 covid-19 pandemic took the globe largely by surprise, showing how puny human prognostication abilities really are and should be humbling, although […]

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Trust In Journalism

December 11, 2020 admin 0

keep image By Casey Bukro and Hugh Miller Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists When speaking to an audience about ethics in journalism, it usually does not take long before somebody suggests to the speaker that ethics in journalism is an oxymoron —  incongruous or contradictory terms. There it is laid out […]

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Honesty In Journalism

December 2, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Is honesty still important in journalism? Judging from calls to the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists, some journalists are not certain about that. One journalist asked if it’s okay to lie to get a story. Another journalist asked if it’s okay to […]

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News For Advertising

November 20, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists These are tough times for much of journalism, and newspaper and broadcasting executives are reacting by resorting to controversial ways to raise revenue. Journalists called The Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists for answers to these examples: A North Caroline publisher said he […]