Board Minutes – 04/2010

Chicago Headline Club

Board of Directors meeting

April 9, 2010

Beth Konrad introduced the McCormick Foundation’s Clark Bell, director of journalism program, and Mark Hallett, senior journalism program officer, who asked us to survey Chicago-area journalists on access. They offered “under $50,000.” (Turned out to be $40,000). One of the staffers in their office was doing groundwork.

We accepted Wes Bleed’s resignation and nominated Michael Reilley and Aimee DeBat to the board.

Slate of officers for 2010-11 and board members for 2010-12 was approved.

Lisagor update from Kathy Catrambone: Lifetime Achievement awards to Phil Kadner and Mary Fields, Watchdog award to the Tribune for “Clout Goes to College,” memorials to Carlos Hernandez Gomez, Jim Sulski, John Callaway. Ethics ?

FOI report from Susan: urging everyone to urge state lawmakers to stand firm in support of FOIA revisions that took effect Jan. 1. Second lawsuit seeks Medill records.