Board of Directors meeting
Fri. May 4, 2018
President Ben Meyerson called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. Also present: Alejandra
Cancino, Patrick Boylan, Stan Zoller, Jason Martin, Dann Gire, Flynn McRoberts, Mike Ewing,
Kathy Catrambone, Susan S. Stevens, and by phone Brandis Friedman, Howard Dubin and
Suzanne McBride.
April minutes were approved as Susan submitted them.
Treasurer’s report: Patrick emailed all of us a detailed report. Bottom line: $105,794 in the
treasury. He asked, and received board permission, to again this year grant a 4-5 day loan to the
CHC Foundation so he can write the Union League Club a check the afternoon of the Lisagor
banquet. The loan will be covered once the EventBrite payment comes through.
Lisagor: Ben, Patrick and Kathy counted 190 tickets sold. In addition, there are comps to such
people as Lifetime Achievement winners and the Brownlee Scholarship winner. Kathy said ULC
served 282 last year. She needs to give ULC a final count Monday. Stan will present the
scholarship winner, Benjamin Din, with a $5,000 check at the dinner.
-Brandis and Dann will announce the winners (not the finalists though they will be on the screen)
-Kristen, Ben, Alejandra, Dann and Susan will organize the plaques
-Susan will organize programs, membership brochures, Ethics AdviceLine materials on tables
-Patrick and Susan will check in people
Kathy will update and email us her draft of the banquet schedule.
She said the plaques and programs should be at the ULC Wednesday.
She will do poster board layouts of tables
Watchdog: Now that the winner has been chosen, Jason is gearing up grant PR.
Website: Mike said eblasts are achieving opening rates of about 20 percent, which is good.
Softball and bowling leagues: Pat sent each checks of $250 for our participation.
Next meeting will be in July. Alejandra will notify us when and where.
Ben can’t meet in June anyway because he and his wife are having a baby.
Board thanked and applauded Ben for his service.
Meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens, secretary