The Chicago Headline Club is co-sponsoring the M. Harris & Co. Life After Journalism webinar.
The journalism industry stands at a crossroads. Ad revenues are eroding, accelerated by the pandemic, and reporters are finding themselves furloughed or laid off. It’s a scary time for journalists, with many thinking about their next career steps.
As former journalists, we empathize with the situation. Fortunately, there are many opportunities out there.
What: In this 90-minute webinar, we’ll discuss how we — former staffers at the Chicago Tribune — found work we enjoy outside media. We’ll talk about skills reporters own that are transferable (and coveted) outside the newsroom. We’ll discuss job options out there (in fields you might not expect) and provide a roadmap for those seeking life after journalism.
Moderated by M. Harris & Co. Creative Director Kevin Pang.
The webinar is sponsored by M. Harris & Co., a Chicago-based marketing firm made up of former journalists.
When: Aug. 19, 2020, 08:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)
Sign up here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_UrctNXYPQKSgyU3XUq00_Q