CHC Board Meeting: July 2, 2021


Board of Directors meeting

Fri. July 2, 2021

President Madhu Krishnamurthy called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. Also present via Zoom: Stacey Westcott, Howard Dubin, Greg Karp, Christine Wolf, Robert Elder, Amanda Vinicky, Michael Limon, Tahman Bradley, Suzanne McBride, Mike Ewing, Molly McDonough and Susan S. Stevens.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as sent by Susan.

President’s report: Madhu noted that the slate was approved by the membership via email, with all positive votes in a small turnout. So, therefore, new officers and board members are seated as of today. Welcome!

Next gatherings: a summer planning meeting the first week of August and a summer social at Mike’s yard. Amanda will solicit availabilities for the planning meeting. More on both later.

SPJ’s annual conference, EIJ21: Let Amanda know if you are attending in-person or electronically. We have eight delegate votes. Let her know if you want to be a delegate.

We will reimburse expenses. Motion carried to provide up to $1,500 for four officers, board members or others who want to attend in person and pay for up to 10 virtual registrations. It will be a maximum total of $7,000. Use Greg’s reimbursement form.

Amanda announced that Nona Tepper agreed to be Program VP.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens, secretary