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Speaking Ill of the Dead

January 29, 2020 admin 0

Speaking ill of the dead: A backlash against Washington Post reporter Felicia Sonmez for mentioning the Kobe Bryant rape case “steams from the ancient wisdom that urged folks not to speak ill of the dead,” writes Erik Wemple. “A fine rule for everyone except for historians and journalists….,” he writes. […]

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Getting It Right

January 30, 2020 admin 0

Getting it right: ABC News suspends correspondent who falsely speculated about Kobe Bryant crash fatalities, writes Stephen Battaglio. “Journalism organizations have a heightened sensitivity over errors because they can give ammunition to President Trump’s attacks on the media, which he frequently describes as ‘fake news,’” he writes.   Visit […]

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Jim Lehrer’s Rules

January 31, 2020 admin 0

Jim Lehrer’s rules: Ethicist Jack Marshall tells the 16 rules of journalism espoused by TV host Jim Lehrer, who died recently. “It’s an excellent, excellent list, reflecting an experienced and ethically astute professional’s keen understanding of what his profession is supposed to do for our society, and the best way […]

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Media Transparency Debate

January 28, 2020 admin 0

Media transparency debate: Two views of transparency in journalism. From the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists archives.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Kobe Coverage Chaotic

January 27, 2020 admin 0

Kobe coverage chaotic: The rush to get news first forced errors, reports Margaret Sullivan. “In any major breaking news event, whether a hurricane or a school shooting, you can assume that some of the early coverage will be wrong,” she writes. “The Kobe Bryant story was an especially bad example […]

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NPR Seeks Public Editor

January 23, 2020 admin 0

NPR seeks public editor: Unusual job opportunity if “this sounds like you.” Diplomatic style that engenders respect and trust required, says the ad. Must stay current on media ethics and trends. Digital and social media proficiency and sophistication needed. Salary not specified.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for […]

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Canada Media and Royals Clash

January 24, 2020 admin 0

Canada media and royals clash: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle warn media about privacy, writes Darcy Schild. It’s “new territory” for Canadian media and privacy laws, which are “relatively undefined.”   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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NYT Seeks Ethical Op-Eds

January 22, 2020 admin 0

NYT seeks ethical Op-Eds: After an Op-Ed stumble, top editors assign the standards editor to advise the Opinion department. “While our news and opinion journalists will continue to have separate, distinct missions, their work is rooted in common standards for accuracy, fairness and integrity,” they say.   Visit the […]

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Chasing Foundation Grants

January 21, 2020 admin 0

Chasing foundation grants: Jacob Nelson and Patrick Ferrucci report that foundation funding often goes to news nonprofits for technology-driven projects, audience-engagement projects and for pushing journalists to expand their work beyond traditional routines.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Decade of Media Ethics

January 20, 2020 admin 0

Decade of media ethics: Sydney Smith gives an overview of major issues and trends from 2010-2019. The term “fake news” rises in political reporting. Hoaxes, lawsuits, retractions and firings crop up in covering the president. The last half of the decade saw an apparent decrease in plagiarism and fabrication cases. […]