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Fracking News Rejected

October 3, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Fracking, the controversial process of forcing oil and natural gas from the Earth, was added to the tumultuous history of Southern Illinois, a land known as “Little Egypt.” Journalists joined a long list of combatants going back more than a century […]

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Missing Person Reports

September 4, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists One of the most common stories a reporter encounters is the missing person report. Though it appears simple, such reports are fraught with peril. Relatives are distraught, urging reporters and police to act fast so the public can help search for […]

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Church Leader Accused

August 15, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Stories involving children who allegedly are sexually molested by church leaders are among the most sensitive and emotionally charged that confront journalists. That was the kind of story a California reporter was covering, and he called AdviceLine for some guidance. He […]

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Slipping Advertiser in Story

August 2, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists It’s generally recognized that keeping the news side of a media company separate from the business side is the ethical way to do business. The Society of Professional Journalists code of ethics is very specific on that point: “Deny favored  treatment to […]

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Photo Credit Ethics

July 18, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Photographers usually like credit for the work they do. It seemed strange, then, when a seventeen year-old freelance photographer refused a byline on a photo he submitted to an Arkansas newspaper. It showed the inside of a private business that had […]

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A Student Paper’s Dilemma

July 12, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists A student newspaper published a story about one student’s experience and perspective on smoking marijuana to deal with anxiety and stress. After the story was published, the student who was interviewed complained that she thought her comments would be part of […]

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Anonymous or Not

June 30, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists The Indiana host and producer of a radio show was half-way through recording an interview with a man who photographs abandoned buildings when the photographer said he did not want to be identified in the interview. The interview had been going […]

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TV Anchor Seeks Office

June 9, 2023 admin 0

culvercity image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Elections are a backbone of democracy. They offer voters choices. They can be battlegrounds, the stuff of conflict and divisive bickering. And they can be peaceful transitions of leadership, opening the way for new directions in policy and thought. Elections […]

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Ethics of disclosing loot

April 5, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro EthicsAdviceLine for Journalists When professional journalists contact the EthicsAdviceLine for Journalists for guidance on ethics, AdviceLine advisors don’t tell them what to do. That’s not how AdviceLine works. Journalists engage in a phone or online conversation with experts in journalism and professional ethics who lead […]

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Lying Journalists

March 11, 2023 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Journalists lie. That’s the truth. The furor over the Fox News audience-pleasing, distorted election reports about the 2020 presidential race is only the latest example in a long list in a walk of shame. Notice that journalists are most disturbed; the […]