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Medill Spotlights Local News Collapse

October 30, 2018 admin 0

Medill spotlights local news collapse: As newsroom jobs disappear, writes Mark Jacob, some areas of the country are virtually uncovered by journalism and plagues all news consumers with more superficiality and mistakes. “Which means there’s plenty to read and view, but it might not tell us very much,” he writes […]

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How Rape Is Covered By News Media

October 31, 2018 admin 0

How rape is covered by news media: News reflects rape culture, or local norms toward sexual assault, writes Meg Dalton. “Rape culture is difficult to measure,” she writes, “but there are a few common characteristics like victim blaming, implying victim consent, questioning victim credibility and empathy for the alleged perpetrator.” […]

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Criticizing Journalists Responsibly

November 1, 2018 admin 0

Criticizing journalists responsibly: Don’t make it personal, writes Philip Eil. “In all cases, stick to the work, not the person,” he writes. Journalists are perfectionists. If your goal is to cause emotional pain, pointing to flaws in their work is often more upsetting than a personal attack. It’s “a good […]

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Freelancers: Beware The “Rights Grab.”

October 25, 2018 admin 0

Freelancers: Beware the “rights grab:” Jack Davies warns freelancers to guard against rights grabs, “shorthand for a move by publications of all stripes to demand full moral and intellectual rights to freelance reporters’ work.” Remove that from contracts.   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Ethics Of Publishing Mugshots

October 26, 2018 admin 0

Ethics of publishing mugshots: Is it preying on human suffering? Corey Hutchins reports that mugshots are a staple for some local newsrooms, while others avoid them. “Some of those accused said they lost jobs and housing or relocated because they couldn’t find work,” writes Hutchins. Outcome of the cases often […]

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Rage And The Media

October 29, 2018 admin 0

Rage and the media: There is some merit to Trump’s claim that the media contributed to the current climate of fear and anger, writes Matt Lewis. “Tell the truth, but in a way that is responsible,” he writes. “Eschew things that are salacious or done simply to gin up excitement. […]

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Click-Driven Reporting A Bad Idea

October 22, 2018 admin 0

Click-driven reporting a bad idea: “For many in the media, analytics rule,” writes Jim Shella. It’s all about clicks. “News judgment and gut feelings are replaced by analytics,” Shella writes, but “leadership sometimes requires turning a blind eye to analytics.”   Visit the Ethics AdviceLine blog for more.

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Youths Best At Telling Fact From Opinion

October 23, 2018 admin 0

Youths are best at telling fact from opinion: A Pew Research Center news analysis finds younger Americans are better than elders at separating factual statements in the news from opinion. “This stronger ability to classify statements regardless of their ideological appeals may well be tied to the fact that younger […]

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Tips On Pitching Freelance Stories

October 24, 2018 admin 0

Tips on pitching freelance stories: Knowing exactly what your story is about is crucial to piquing an editor’s interest, writes Tim Herrera. Write “a solid, clear, powerful nut graf,” he advises. Impress the editor. “Get me interested to learn more, but more important, make me want to tell this story […]

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Right To Be Forgotten

October 18, 2018 admin 0 is exploring allowing people to request that their names be removed from stories about minor crimes they committed, writes Sydney Smith. “Typically, news outlets do not unpublish — or hit delete — on historical stories,” writes Smith. Names would be removed from older stories if court records in their […]