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Investigating A Journalist

September 11, 2018 admin 0

Investigating a journalist: The Houston Chronicle’s editor says “we have launched an investigation into the work of one of our own reporters” who is accused of quoting people who don’t exist. “We owe our readers the truth and to tell you if, in fact, there were inaccuracies in anything we […]

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Media Trust Down, Can Be Restored For Some

September 12, 2018 admin 0

Media trust down, can be restored for some: Gallup and the Knight Foundation release new findings. “These results indicate that attempts to restore trust in the media among most Americans may be fruitful, particularly if those efforts are aimed at improving accuracy, enhancing transparency and reducing bias,” they report. About […]

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Covering Hurricanes

September 13, 2018 admin 0

Covering hurricanes: Kristen Hare and David Beard list ways to prepare for covering dangerous weather. Such as: Plug in and charge everything you have and keep them charged. Bring pencils. Carry a lot of cash. Bring rubber boots. Wear sunscreen. Rent a car.   Source: Covering Hurricanes“>Ethics AdviceLine for […]

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Messy Case Of Twitter Account Ownership

September 14, 2018 admin 0

Messy case of Twitter account ownership: Jonathan Peters writes about a sports reporter sued by a former employer for failing to hand over his Twitter login information when he changed jobs. “It’s unclear how the case will turn out,” writes Peters. “The problem is twofold: Few cases have addressed social-media […]

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The Enduring Weather Person

September 17, 2018 admin 0

The enduring weather person: Andrew McCormick observes that weather reporters entertain audiences in fair weather and counsel them in bad. “It isn’t completely surprising that they would be in demand as storms loom,” he writes. “But it is notable, in the age of Twitter and smart phones, that the broadcast […]

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Resisting Information Disorder

September 18, 2018 admin 0

Resisting information disorder: Julie Posetti and Cherilyn Ireton write journalists can push back against the scourge of fake news. “Disinformation and misinformation go beyond challenging journalists’ reputations and safety,” they write. “They question their purpose and effectiveness, and they perpetuate the degradation of journalism to the detriment of civic discourse.” […]

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YouTube A Conspiracy Ecosystem

September 19, 2018 admin 0

YouTube a conspiracy ecosystem: Craig Timberg and Drew Harwell write about wild conspiracies that flood YouTube. “Among the most popular genres in the collection were related to mass shootings, and especially the one in Las Vegas in October that killed 58 people,” they write. “Typically these portrayed the attacks as […]

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Jail For Defying Data Terms Of Service

September 20, 2018 admin 0

Jail for defying data terms of service: D. Victoria Baranetsky notes journalists face possible penalties when using data from public websites like Facebook and Twitter. No journalists have been prosecuted under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, she writes, “but their sources have, and some journalists have been asked to […]

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September 21, 2018 admin 0

Futurecasting: Ebony Reed writes about ways news companies can grow revenue and expand market opportunities in the future. Futurecasting “is based on signals, trends and observing various industries to see how they can converge for various possible outcomes, offers us an opportunity (to) think beyond the current horizon,” Reed writes. […]

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Fact-Checking The NAFTA Agreement

September 24, 2018 admin 0

Fact-checking the NAFTA agreement: Daniel Funke writes about concerns over false and inaccurate claims about the North American Trade Agreement and American trade policy. President Trump threatened to end the agreement. “The goal: Bring more attention to policy issues that don’t get enough attention in a 24-hour news cycle dominated […]