Toast the Truth! Recap and Photos

December 12, 2019 Robert Elder 0

Thanks to everyone who came out for the Chicago Headline Club Foundation’s “Toast the Truth” fundraiser on Monday, Dec. 9. Each year, the Foundation sponsors journalism grants and internships, and we thank our donors for their tax-deductible contributions. Here are a few of the shots from this year’s event:

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CHC Foundation Board Minutes: December 17, 2018

December 17, 2018 Mike Ewing 0

CHICAGO HEADLINE CLUB FOUNDATION Board of Directors meeting Dec. 17, 2018 President Stan Zoller called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. Also present: Howard Dubin, Rob Hess, Diane Monk McClelland, John McClelland and Susan S. Stevens. Motion passed to update a brochure to attract new members of the Headline […]

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Bylaws of the Chicago Headline Club Foundation

October 5, 2024 CHC-Foundation 0

The Foundation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational or scientific purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law (the “Code”).