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Pedophile Priest Threatens Publisher

November 11, 2020 admin 0

By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Ethics case study: A pedophile pastor and a publisher. In his first interview with the owner of a small Midwestern newspaper, a local church pastor threatened to vilify the newspaper owner from the pulpit if she printed anything derogatory about him. The publisher […]

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Presidential Debates Mirror Civil Discord

October 28, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists As presidential debate moderators go, they didn’t stack up to the likes of revered Walter Cronkite. Moderators of the 2020 Donald Trump and Joe Biden debates were critiqued, criticized, chastised and lampooned. Gone are the days when such moderators were unquestionably […]

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Minute Ethics Quiz

October 13, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. A reporter for a military publication contacted the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists and asked this question in 2008: “May I reprint information in our newspaper that is from websites if I provide proper attribution, but without permission? There is no guidance […]

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Civic Groups Beckon Journalists

October 6, 2020 admin 0 image By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Journalists face many responsibilities toward their communities. Sometimes they conflict. Foremost is the responsibility to report news and information.  This makes journalists highly informed about the politics and needs of their cities and towns, making them desirable candidates to serve on civic […]

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Ethical Interviewing

September 30, 2020 admin 0 image   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists   Keeping control of an interview is one of a journalist’s basic jobs. That might sound easy, but it can be difficult if the ground rules are not spelled out in advance so both the journalist and the person […]

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Election Ethics Dilemma

September 23, 2020 admin 0 image   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists Elections often are seen as a chance to toss the rascals out of office. But what if a reporter is worried that his work might allow a rascal to get into office? That was the dilemma facing Victor Crown, […]

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Ethics Quiz Answers

September 9, 2020 admin 0 image   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. No doubt you’ve been waiting for the answers to that journalism ethics quiz posted earlier featuring samples of questions answered in the past by the Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists. Some people just can’t resist matching their wits with AdviceLine […]

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An Ethics Quiz

August 19, 2020 admin 0 photo   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists A pandemic makes journalism ethics more important. The truth is more important than ever as rumors and false information swirl. That’s where making ethical decisions comes into play. It’s hard to do it alone. That’s why the Ethics AdviceLine […]

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Lessons From Plagues

August 5, 2020 admin 0

    European plague. the photo.   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists   The history of plagues and pandemics shows some similarities in the way they spread, and how people react. Travelers, whether soldiers or traders, often were the super spreaders of their day. Quarantine is a centuries-old […]

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Face Masks Gain Credibility

July 15, 2020 admin 0

  St. Joseph Medical Center photo   By Casey Bukro Ethics AdviceLine for Journalists “Oh, what a tangled web we weave…when first we practice to deceive.” – Walter Scott. The debate or confusion over wearing a mask as a defense against coronavirus-19 is a tangle of mixed messages that began […]