Board Minutes – 01/2008

CHC Board Meeting
Jan. 10, 2008
Bloomberg Chicago Bureau

President Kristen McQueary opened the meeting at 9:30 a.m.

Present: Kristen, Suzanne McBride, Jane Hirt, Lisa Donovan, Steve Walsh, Kathy Catrambome and Susan S. Stevens. By phone: Dawn Reiss, Laura Putre, Milt Brown.

Minutes: From previous meeting were approved.

Lisagor: Kathy has been looking for a speaker. Sam Zell was not available by the meeting to say whether he would speak. Tom Brokaw maybe. Anderson Cooper no response. She hasn’t tried to reach Ira Glass.
Contest entry forms should be in the mail. If you need more, Kathy has more.
We need to do more e-blasts. Kristen to send.
Sorting 5 p.m. Fri. Feb. 1 at Tribune Tower, adjourning to Billy Goat’s. Also to be in the e-blast. Give Jane Hirt your RSVP so she can get you on the security list.
Suzanne raised questions about online missing this year in subcategories such as deadline news. Form on the Web site will be fixed. Suzanne will contact potential on-line entrants.

Regional: SPJ Regional Director Richard Roth requested a CHC donation for the regional convention, April 5-6 in Bloomington, Ind. Motion was passed to contribute $500, same as last year, possibly more if Richard asks by next month. Kristen and Dawn are tentatively our delegates.

Freelance program for Jan. 23: Dawn asked that the Web site by updated with her e-address so she knows who plans to attend. She encouraged publicity in newsrooms.

Jackie Fitzgerald replacement: Kristen nominated Kristen Schorch of the Daily Southtown. The board approved.

Meeting adjourned at 10:25 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens