Board Minutes – 05/2003


Chicago Headline Club
Board of Directors Meeting

May 15, 2003

President Molly McDonough convened the meeting at 5:15 p.m.

Present: Molly McDonough, Ben Bradley, Howard Dubin, Ed Cooper, Bob Roberts, Mary Myers, Rob Hess, Phil Potempa, Steve Rynkiewicz, Christine Tatum, Lucio Guerrera, John Camden, Chad Rubel, Diane Carbonera, Jodi Wilgoren, Jessica Diehl and Jennifer Golz from Columbia College, and Susan S. Stevens.

President’s report: Molly said articles of incorporation for a Headline Club Foundation are being prepared. Initial board members will be Molly, Howard Dubin, Steve Rynkiewicz, Rob Hess and former Headline Club-president Ilyce Glink. Foundation will operate separately from the club, so that contributors can have tax write-offs. A 501(c)(3) will allow us to bring in more money. Molly will ask, probably at the next board meeting, for a transfer of at least part of the Brownlee and scholarship funds to the foundation. Howard noted the club’s advocacy role prohibits it from obtaining 501(c)(3) status itself. The University of Chicago legal clinic is doing the set-up pro bono.

Molly suggests – but leaves it up to Ben – that the board begin meeting every other month but increase meeting lengths to 90 or 120 minutes to ease the burden on its members. Officers might meet more frequently.

Programs: Molly said Christine Tatum will argue for the First Amendment at the Heartland Café Chatauqua at 8 p.m. May 19.

Saying CHC is “way overextended” on programming, Molly proposed streamlining programming, reducing brown bags and meet and greets to quarterly, adding occasional breakfast meetings and additional programming as needed. We have had two or three programs a month this year. She recommends fewer, but of higher quality.

She wants to add a special program, “Debriefing from Iraq,” in the near future.

Last year’s Brownlee Series had 10 programs; this year’s will have five. Steve Lundin, who worked on Brownlee last year, will help Christie Tatum with fundraising this year.

Molly and Phil Kadner are working on a Sunshine Day for Illinois.

Credentials: “We’re still waiting for the other shoe to drop,” Bob Roberts said. He expected the police department to have more to say within a week. He wants to get together people from as many shops as possible to work out a negotiating strategy.

Ethics: Mary Myers suggested Loyola’s ethics people become involved in choosing the Ethics Award winners. Molly noted it is not necessary to give an award each year.

Treasurer: Rob Hess said as of May 14, CHC had $29,805.93 in the main business account. The Brownlee account contained $17,405.55. Total assets: $119,318.10

Lisagor: Steve Rynkiewicz said the dinner lost $3,000 or $4,000. Note that our profit is from entry fees.

Membership: Continuing problems with headquarters. National counts 440; John Camden counts 509.

Students: Board approved Columbia College as a satellite chapter. Howard so moved, Bob and Ed Cooper seconded. Chapter organizer Jessica Diehl presented a written agreement modeled on the Northwest Indiana agreement. She said about 20 people regularly attend meetings. Columbia contributed $2,000 to the chapter.

Other business: Bob asked board members to study the hospital media guide and give him feedback in the next couple of days.

Chris asked for board members’ thoughts on revamping SPJ directorships and for creative ideas about dues, which are revised according to the Consumer Price Index every two years.

Molly set the next meeting for 8 a.m. June 11 at Tribune Tower.

Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens

Membership Night meeting
Following the board meeting, Headline Club members without dissent approved the presented slate of officers and directors for the coming year, which starts July 1.