Board Minutes – 08/2000


Chicago Headline Club
Board of Directors Meeting

August 9, 2000

President Marsha Barancik called the meeting to order at 8:10 a.m.

Present: Barancik, Christine Tatum, Howard Dubin, Stephen Rynkiewicz, John Lampinen, Ed Cooper, Becky Beaupre, Molly McDonough, John McClelland, Bob Roberts, Paula Brien, Rob Hess, Billy O’Keefe, Paul Krawzak and Susan Stevens.

Minutes for the last meeting were not approved because not enough board members had seen them. Therefore, these are going as straight text in an e-mail, rather than as an attachment.

Barancik said services provided by Alphabetics were terminated. Simeon Carson (McDonough’s husband) will take over for the rest of the year. O’Keefe is willing to handle production of the Journalist and take over a lot of the web production in January. He was recently hired by Tribune Media Services. Diane Monk is to continue as senior editor as long as she wishes. McClelland will set up a content team committee to merge with the newsletter team of Hess, Dubin, Rynkiewicz and Ilyce Glink. Doors are open for people to join the committees. An appeal will go on the website and in the next newsletter.

Barancik said she has five people committed to First Tuesday, tentatively 10-12. They expect 500 participants.

Ethics: Casey Bukro reported by phone that he had a note from Jim Burke saying Loyola’s ethics board is strongly in favor of the Loyola-Headline Club plan. David Ozar is still recuperating, but will begin recruiting help as soon as he gets back. He will seek a Kemper Foundation grant. Ozar said illustrious Loyola alums are applauding the plan.

Behind the Badge: Doug Cummings reported by phone that the agenda and speakers are firm for the Sept. 23 program and that marketing is needed. The goal is 80 attendees, with 30 pre-registered by about Labor Day. McDonough has 10 RSVPs now and new fliers in the works.

Other programs: an AMA brown bag is planned in August, a new media workshop in September, and Jim Yisela of The Chicago Reporter and Joanna Zorn of WBEZ in October.

FOI: Roberts said the situation for police reporters obtaining information has not improved for day-to-day work. The Illinois Press Association sued, challenging the Harvard, Ill. police department.

Treasurer: Dubin reported a surplus of $964 for the fiscal year. He said local dues should have been larger than what we received from national, and he is checking to see if SPJ is behind.

Lisagor: A Dec. 1 cut-off was decided for the offers of free entries to the Lisagor contest for new members.

The board agreed to contribute to research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Lou Gehrig’s disease, in memory of Ed Rooney’s wife, Mary. Dubin will handle it.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 a.m.

Respectfully submitted, Susan S. Stevens