American Society of Business Publication Editors Chicago Chapter
Nikki Golden, Communications Manager
National Association of the Remodeling Industry
780 Lee Street, Suite 200
Des Plaines, IL 60016
(630) 204-7651
The American Society of Business Publication Editors was founded in 1964 as the professional association for full-time and freelance editors and writers employed in the business, trade, and specialty press. The Chicago chapter of the American Society of Business Publication Editors holds events at which editors can network and get ideas that will help them do their jobs better.
American Medical Writers Association – Greater Chicago Area Chapter
*No phone number
*no address
GCAC comprises a network of more than 260 biomedical communicators who live and work in Illinois and southern Wisconsin. The Chapter’s diverse membership includes biomedical communicators who work for hospitals, health care associations, marketing and public relations agencies, pharmaceutical companies, medical publishing firms, Web publishing venues, and medical schools. More than 100 members of the Chapter have indicated that they are self-employed or “moonlight” as freelance medical writers or editors; therefore networking and educational activities are of major interest to many Chapter members.
American Society of Media Photographers Chicago/Midwest
P. O. Box 804246, Chicago, IL 60680-4104
The American Society of Media Photographers Chicago/Midwest provides business resources to help photographers in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Indiana succeed. Through educational programs, social gathering, and active communications they foster a freidnly environment while taking pride in being a leader and advocate for the larger creative community.
Asian American Journalists Association – Chicago Chapter
PO Box 577639, Chicago IL 60657-9997
*No Phone number
The Chicago Chapter of the Asian American Journalists Association was formed in 1989 by Linda Yu, an ABC-7 news anchor, and David Ibata, a former Chicago Tribune editor. The group now has more than 100 professional and student members who work and reside in five Midwestern states. The Chapter presents a variety of journalism-related activities, the most important of which are designed to help prepare young journalists for a successful career in the news media. It also promotes diversity programs, offers career advice, works with other journalist organizations, and encourages networking among AAJA members nationwide.
Association for Women Journalists Chicago
407 Wisconsin Ave. Unit B, Oak Park, IL 60302
708-308-0535 (cell)
AWJ-Chicago supports women in journalism and promote the respectful treatment of women by the news media. We are a nonpartisan, not-for-profit organization. We offer members, which include men, a network that we hope offers a little bit of sanity in a crazy industry. AWJ Chicago is comprised of working journalists, academics and students from national, local and regional news outlets and all the major journalism schools in the area. It includes women and men involved in every aspect of the business and across all mediums.
Chicago Association of Black Journalists
P.O. Box 11425, Chicago, IL 60611
The Chicago Association of Black Journalists (CABJ) is a voluntary, 501 (c)(6) non-profit organization with members employed in radio, television, print, new media, public relations, journalism education and students studying journalism at local colleges and universities.
The Chicago Association of Black Journalists (CABJ) is dedicated to the support, recognition and professional advancement of African Americans in the news industry. Founded on July 15, 1976, CABJ brought together black media representatives in Chicago to encourage expanded, in-depth coverage of the African American community.
Chicago Association of Hispanic Journalists
***Organization is on hiatus, according to former board member.
Chicago Headline Club
Chicago Independent Media Center
3411 W. Diversey
Chicago IL 60647
The Independent Media Center (“indymedia” for short) is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as a tool for promoting social and economic justice. It is a cooperative effort of hundreds of independent media organizations around the world, some of whose efforts you can visit via the list of worldwide indymedia centers on the left-hand column of this webpage.
The Chicago Independent Media Center (“Chicago Indymedia” or “Chicago IMC”) is Chicago’s contribution to the growing Indymedia movement. Chicago Indymedia maintains a website ( with an open publishing newswire, which allows anyone to publish their story or opinion and thereby quickly reach a wide audience. Chicago Indymedia also produces a monthly radio program, From The Trenches, and a monthly TV series, Chicago Independent Television.
Chicago Journalists Association
1800 Nations Drive, Suite 117
Gurnee, IL 60031
Chicago Journalists Association is a non-profit organization organization under the laws of Illinois functioning for experienced print and electronic journalists in the Chicago-area.
Chicago Newspaper Guild
36 South Wabash
Suite 1400
Chicago, IL 60603
The Chicago Newspaper Guild (CNG) is a 550 member labor union created by and for newspaper and news-related employees in the Chicago area. The Chicago Guild, along with many other Guilds across the U.S. and Canada, is an affiliate of the 33,000 member international union, The Newspaper Guild (TNG), which merged with the 600,000 member Communications Workers of America (CWA). TNG and CWA are member international unions of the AFL-CIO and in Canada, the Canadian Labour Council (CLC). Among employees represented in locals of The Newspaper Guild are employees of the New York Times, Washington Post, AP, UPI, magazines such as TIME, Newsweek and Consumer Reports, and other publishing-related organizations such as TIME-Life Books and BNA, and many others.
Chicago Media Action
P.O. Box 14140, Chicago, IL 60614 USA
Chicago Media Action (CMA) is an activist group dedicated to analyzing and broadening Chicago’s mainstream media and to building Chicago’s independent media. Chicago Media Action has concentrated its activist work to a number of media-related spheres in Chicago and across the United States, including the Federal Communications Commission, U.S. public television (PBS), public and community radio, and cable public access television.
Chicago Media Action has also worked on outreach and education, to emphasize the importance of media as an issue in its own right. CMA’s outreach has included a series of public education forums on various media-themed matters; various writings, articles, and dispatches; numerous appearances in radio, television, and in print; and assorted presentations to audiences large and small.
Chicago Women in Publishing
P.O. Box 268107
Chicago, IL 60626
Chicago Women in Publishing (CWIP) is a nonprofit volunteer organization formed in 1972 for professionals in the publishing industry and allied fields. Our purpose is to explore and improve the status of publishing professionals, to assist members in greater professional achievement, and to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas. CWIP offers programs, services, and networking opportunities to advance publishing careers. Membership is open to women and men who support CWIP’s goals. Our aim is to be Chicago’s most respected source of publishing education, information, outreach, leadership, and career opportunities.
Chicago Writers Association
P.O. Box 6505
Evanston, IL 60204-6505
**No Phone Number
The Chicago Writers Association is a creative community of Chicagoland writers established in 2003. We span many genres, styles and levels of experience. Our purpose is to share information, experiences, and encouragement with those of us for whom written expression is an integral part of life.
Community Media Workshop
600 S. Michigan, Chicago IL 60605
The Community Media Workshop helps Chicago-area community and civic groups place news and feature stories about community policing, affordable housing, school reform, community economic development, youth development, and other strategies that rely on community organizing.
Illinois Broadcasters Association
200 Missouri Avenue
Carterville, IL 62918
The IBA is the leading advocate for the broadcast industry in Illinois. IBA is engaged in shaping public policy to create a positive legislative and regulatory environment for its members. The Association assists its membership in continuing industry education, legal support services, compliance issues and public service outreach.
Illinois News Broadcasters Association
1 University Circle
Macomb, IL 61455
The Illinois News Broadcasters Association, formed January 22, 1955, is one of the largest statewide broadcast news associations. The organization is made up of about 200 members from throughout Illinois and surrounding states. The goals of the organization are to preserve and protect the public’s right to know, to ensure the free flow of information, to provide scholarships and to exchange information among members.
Illinois Press Association
900 Community Drive
Springfield, IL 62703
The IPA was founded in 1865 as an organization for Illinois publishers. It has evolved into the largest state newspaper association in the country representing more than 600 daily and weekly newspapers. The IPA has evolved from a fraternal organization to one whose agenda now focuses on a wide array of legislative, business, advertising, educational and legal services. The IPA is governed by a board of directors of 15 newspaper executives representing an equal number of weekly and daily newspapers from regional districts.
Illinois Press Photographer Association
1060 West Addison
Chicago, IL
*No phone number
Founded in the 1950’s, this state photojournalism and multimedia organization is home to pioneering visual journalists young and old. The Illinois Press Photographer Association supports photojournalism and multimedia excellence in the Midwest.
Independent Writers of Chicago
1800 Nations Drive Ste. 117
Gurnee, IL 60031
IWOC is a nonprofit professional association of freelance writers who work primarily throughout the Chicago metropolitan area. IWOC members serve large corporations, small businesses, and not-for-profit organizations; together they represent a broad range of writing talents and specialties. IWOC provides educational and social programs, Writers’ Line (a job-posting service), a monthly newsletter, networking opportunities, and many other benefits to meet the needs of its members.
International Association of Business Communicators Chicago
P.O. Box 268444
Chicago, IL 60626
IABC/Chicago provides services, activities, and networking opportunities to help people achieve professional excellence and drive the success of their organizations through effective communication strategies and practices.
Media Research Club of Chicago
P.O. Box 81874
Chicago, IL 60681-0874
(312) 836-0714
The Media Research Club of Chicago is one of the leading professional media organizations in the country. The MRCC has gained national stature through its biennial symposia, research supplier workshops, research grants, and luncheon programs that include speakers from across the country. It has evolved into a genuine national forum for the exchange of ideas among media research professionals.
National Association of Black Journalists Chicago Chapter
P.O. Box 811132
Chicago, IL 60681
*No Phone Number
The National Association of Black Journalists – Chicago Chapter believes that Black journalists should bind themselves together in an effort to increase Black employment in the media, to increase the number of Blacks in management positions, to encourage and educate young Blacks interested in pursuing a journalism career, and to monitor and sensitize all media to racism.
National Association for Multi-Ethnicity in Communications Chicago Chapter
*Been in contact with the president. Waiting on a reply with an address and phone number for the organization, not just her personal info.
National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association Chicago Chapter
*The Web site has not been updated since 2006. Don’t think the organization is still active.