Board of Directors meeting (by Zoom)
July 7, 2020
Present: Molly McDonough, Laura Washington, Geneen Harston, Greg Karp, Howard Dubin, Casey Bukro, Stan Zoller and Susan S. Stevens.
The board selected two not-for-profit news organizations for $5,000 intern grants: Block Club and Injustice Watch. One $5,000 Brownlee Scholarship winner was chosen: Adam Mahoney, a student at Northwestern University.
Molly offered to contact all the winners and losers. Greg will issue checks to the three winners, once he has their W-9s, Social Security numbers and home addresses. Laura and Susan will do PR.
Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens, president
P.S. Please applaud Molly for her organization of the intern grant applications. Final results are below. Also, let me note the number of scholarship applicants hit a record low and intern grant applications were lower than previously despite our extensions of both deadlines. I think we publicized both well, and attribute the numbers to the pandemic.