CHC Board Meeting: May 6, 2022

President Amanda Vinicky called the Zoom meeting to order. Also present: Howard Dubin, Suzanne McBride, Greg Karp, Mike Ewing, Jason Martin, Alejandra Cancino, Matt Kiefer, Maya Duksamova, Rob Elder, Taylor Moore, Nader Issa, Cathy Larkin, Olivia Obineme, and Susan S. Stevens
Minutes of the April meeting were approved as submitted by Susan.
President’s report: Amanda said Michael Limon and Susan attended the Zoom Region 5 Conference, as well as Amanda part of the time. No major issues were brought up. Good professional development sessions. Kudos to Regional Director Amy Merritt of DePaul.
Amanda is gearing up to submit the annual report to SPJ HQs. She needs your help: committee chairs need to submit 200 words on what they have accomplished this year. Do it soon.
Discussion of SPJ Conference delegates and proposed one-member, one-vote which a task force favors. Sign up for video town halls May 17 and June 1. SPJ board of directors will vote June 1.
Treasurer’s report: Greg said he closed the books on FOIAFest. As of May 6, CHC had a bank balance of $102,321 with about $89,821 available. CHC Foundation had $73.052 with $50,693 available. Note that Lisagor entry fees totaled $30,840.
Slate for 2022-23: Board members approved it by email during the week. It will be presented to t he full membership at the Lisagor Awards banquet the evening of May 6. (Members gave their OK in a voice vote.) Mike thanks Olivia for stepping up to be president-elect during his term as president.
Here is the slate:
Mike Ewing, NewsNation, President
Olivia Obineme, BGA, VP of FOIA, president-elect
Tulsi Kamath, NewsNation, VP of Membership
Nona Tepper, Crain’s / Modern Healthcare, VP of Programming
Gregory Karp, Nerdwallet, Treasurer
Susan S. Stevens, Freelancer, Secretary
Amanda Vinicky, WTTW, President Ex-Oficio

Members whose terms expire in 2023
Alejandra Cancino, City Bureau
Blair Chavis, ABA Journal
Howard Dubin, Manufacturers News
Catherine Larkin, Bloomberg News, VP of Lisagors
Michael Limon, Loyola University
Suzanne McBride, Columbia College
Adam Rhodes, IRE

Members whose terms expire in 2024
Carlos Ballesteros, Injustice Watch
Tahman Bradley, WGN
Jamie Golden Nesbitt, Block Club Chicago
Mary Hall, NewsNation
Veronica Harrison, Pigment International
Courtney Kueppers, WBEZ
Ray Long, Chicago Tribune
Jillian Melero, WTTW
Taylor Moore, Women’s Media Foundation

FOIAFest: Sessions have been uploaded to Will do an eblast. Matt said plans for next year should include both in-person and online. He thanks Olivia for her help. Suggests we plan to spend about $20,000 on next year’s event.

Lisagor: Cathy needs people to set up starting at 4 p.m. Cocktails 5:30 p.m. Free drinks for past presidents. 256 tickets. Photo booth. Program begins at 8:15 p.m. MC is sick: sinus infection. Rob and Olivia will fill in.
Last 20 plaques from 220 to be mailed next week.

Judging: Amanda thanks those who signed up for reciprocals. Tahman Bradley still needs a few more judges.

Watchdog: Jason and Amanda met with Driehaus Foundation. We are asking for $12,000 a year for the next two years. Driehaus will decide in July.

Next meeting date: TBA.

Respectfully submitted,
Susan S. Stevens, secretary